More Time for Fun, Games & Connectivity!

Questions about the Juego.Juegos App? Chat with us using our Chat Bot…

La Aplicación ‘Más Tiempo para Divertirse y Jugar’


Your digital coordination is about to take off with features you never imagined our unique team could offer...

Our BETA Prototype Is Live

Download the app for a 6-month free trial!

Juego.Juegos Affiliate Program

Knowing that one of the biggest sources of happiness is human connection and belonging, our mission to create more time for more fun and games in everyone’s schedules across all age groups.

 To increase happiness and connectivity together, our Juego.Juegos App Team is excited to onboard you as one of our initial 100 Affiliates!

 So if you are someone who loves getting friends, family, kids and/or colleagues together for casual in-person fun…and love winning special offers and exclusive prizes… help us achieve something bigger than ourselves. 

Promote positivity and engagement at home, at school and at local or destination venues.  And for sports enthusiasts, plan for your foursome+ to play on the courts, courses or fields as a Juego.Juegos Affiliate!

The power of smart scheduling with a tap...


Synchronize multiple calendars seamlessly for effortless management


Prompt timely responses from community members


Plan your events, playdates and matches with ease

El poder de lo inteligente planificación con un deslizamiento… co
  • Dinámica: Sincronizar varios calendarios con una gestión sin esfuerzo

  • Eficiente: Prontas respuestas oportunas de los miembros de la comunidad

  • Fluido: Planifica tus eventos, fechas de juego y partidos con facilidad
n  un deslizamiento..

Let's Grab Coffee

Are you seeking to minimize inefficient texting to lock in a date/time/place?

Download App on the Apple Store or Google Play Store (above)

Let's Schedule a Playdate

Would you like more opportunities to effortlessly schedule playdates for your children?

Download App on the Apple Store or Google Play Store (above)

We Need 2 More for Doubles

Is your tennis, pickle or padel game suffering due to difficulty scheduling a foursome?

Download App on the Apple Store or Google Play Store (above)
Tomemos un café
  • ¿Está buscando minimizar los mensajes de texto ineficientes para fijar una fecha/hora/lugar?
Programemos una cita para jugar
  • ¿Le gustaría tener más oportunidades para planificar citas de juego para sus hijos sin esfuerzo?
Necesitamos 2 para Dobles
  • ¿Está sufriendo su juego de tenis debido a la dificultad de Planificar con 4?
Suscríbase a continuación para nuestra aplicación BETA

Save time & have more fun

Forget the time-consuming texting back and forth that gets you nowhere—the Juego.Juegos app takes the hassle out of planning events and saves you time while you play and have fun.

Ahorra tiempo y diviértete más

Olvídate de enviar mensajes de texto que consumen mucho tiempo y que no te llevan a ninguna parte: la aplicación Juego.Juegos elimina la molestia de planificar eventos y te ahorra tiempo mientras juegas y te diviertes.

  • divertido primero
  • sin complicaciones
  • evento más fácil
  • ahorrador de tiempo
  • planificar de forma más inteligente
  • planificar con diversión

Create Lasting Memories

Crear Recuerdos Duraderos


Organize your in-person social events


Organiza tus eventos sociales presenciales

Have fun

Connect, Plan, and Meet


Conecta, Planifica y Reúnete

Make Memories

Strengthen bonds and relationships


Crear Recuerdos

Fortalecer las relaciones

Schedule Smarter

Plan with peace of mind.

Juego.Juegos updates your plans on your preferred calendar.

So, whether you use iCal, Google Calendar, or another virtual calendar, you and those you invite can relax knowing that your plans are already set on everyone’s calendars!

Planificaciar Más Inteligente

Planifique con tranquilidad. Juego.Juegos actualiza tus planes en tu calendario preferido. Sea que use iCal o Google Calendar, tendrá sus planes en su calendario diario

  • planificación consciente
  • confianza en el calendario
  • planificación preferida



A Few Simple Taps to All Kinds of Fun!

Our Juego.Juegos Commitment
to Social Responsibility

Together We Can Eradicate Food Insecurity

Many of our neighbors, friends, and family members continue to struggle with food insecurity every day. It's not just about hunger; it's a complex problem. Each of our contributions can make a significant difference to those facing food insecurity.

WE Model Kindness, Inclusivity & Positive Behavior

Anti-Bullying: Every day, in schools, workplaces, and online platforms across the nation, people are victimized by bullying. It's harmful to one's mental health. We are in a unique position to address it. Single Parenting: Single parents, especially those from underrepresented communities, juggle the responsibilities of work, home, and family often without the support they need. Their dedication and resilience are inspiring. We create social scheduling ease for them and for their children (playdates) so that they shouldn't have to also do this alone. Our goal is to help enhance their quality of life and happiness.

We Help Foster Happiness & Improved Mental Health through Human Interaction

In a world increasingly dominated by screens, the importance of face-to-face human interaction has never been more paramount. We find ourselves at a unique intersection of technology and human necessity, where maintaining mental health often requires us to step away from digital interaction and prioritize in-person connection. Our #moretimeforfunapp directly facilitates happiness, empathy, and collective well-being.

Contact Us


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